Social Media Content That Will Drive Traffic to Your Website | Market Muscles

Social Media Content That Will Drive Traffic to Your Website

Are you looking for new ideas to drive traffic to your website through social media posts? When creating social content that will boost web traffic, you need to keep in mind what they might be feeling – as a prospective student, what type of content would get you excited to join and interested in learning more about this specific school?

Spark this interest through your graphics and captions by showing off your school’s community, promoting discounts and special events, sharing success stories, and turning blogs into social content. Make sure to have a call-to-action: “visit our website”, “schedule a trial”, “opt-in to learn more”, etc.

Not sure where to start? Here are 7 different social post ideas that will drive traffic straight to your website, taking your facility to the NEXT LEVEL!  ????

 1. Behind-the-scenes – give a sneak peek into your school or studio. Share pictures and videos from classes, events, workshops, seminars, etc. 

 2. School community – celebrate milestones and achievements, student spotlights, introduce your team – create content that motivates prospective students and builds a stronger relationship with your current students.

 3. Class registration – create graphics that encourage leads to opt-in to your trial and remind members to book their classes!

 4. Offers & discounts – promote exclusive social media offers or discounts for your trial/membership. Share promo codes or limited-time deals for redemption through your website. 

 5. Special events – Host special events for the community! Promote these on different platforms to gain interest. Create a hashtag to share with pictures taken at the event.

 6. Reviews & testimonials – the best way to share the success stories and real experiences of your students is through their own words. Sharing reviews and testimonials increases credibility and trustworthiness.

 7. Blogs – promote new blog posts to your social media accounts and encourage followers to read it. You can even turn your blog content into social media graphics by summarizing key points through design elements.

TIP: Create a custom LinkTree using your Market Muscles marketing tools to attach to your social media biographies for a better way to share links.

Remember to use relevant hashtags, engage with your audience through comments and direct messages, and always show off your uniqueness – stand out from the competition by giving an inside look at what makes your school special!