10 Blog Topics Your Martial Arts Leads Will Love | Market Muscles

10 Blog Topics Your Martial Arts Leads Will Love

At Market Muscles, we always say that one of the best ways to improve your SEO is consistently blogging. We recommend adding at least one to two new blog posts a month to see the best results, but getting into the habit can be challenging.

Don’t know what to write about? It’s important to remember that blogs can be about anything. When choosing blog topics, put yourself in your audience’s shoes. Brainstorm a list of what you would find engaging and how those things can be relevant to your leads.

To get you started, check out ten engaging topics for your website visitors:

 1. How You Started Your Fitness Journey & Career

How did you get where you are today? Go through your journey of how you went from being a student to creating your own practice. You might inspire your members to achieve their goals and take the sport to the next level.

2. Frequently Asked Questions

Think of questions you get asked often – maybe they’re related to the specific style of martial arts you teach, the benefits of martial arts, common reasons people become students, or just general questions about your school. Put the questions and answers into a blog post – you could even make it a blog series! Just make sure not to answer questions about pricing or your schedule – you want to save those answers for after your leads opt-in!

 3. Health Benefits of Your Programs

Explain why attending classes at your school can benefit a student. Practicing martial arts has many different benefits ranging from physical endurance to mental growth to social opportunities and beyond!

 4. Interview and Highlight Your Instructors or Members

Let your audience get to know members of your school! Interview instructors, students, or even parents of the students to show off why they got started, what they love about martial arts, what their biggest lesson or achievement was, etc.

 5. Create an Ultimate Guide for Something Within Your Industry

Create a manual on something specific to your practice. For example, share information about different types of martial arts and why you should practice them, a checklist of some sort, a “list of….,” the options are endless!

 6. What Is the Best Part of What You Do?

Try answering these questions honestly and thoroughly – What is your favorite part about being a martial artist? What is your favorite aspect of teaching? Why do you continue to practice martial arts? What inspires and motivates you? Why do you love what you do? Share why you’re passionate about what you do and spark someone’s interest to try it out!

 7. Share advice

What are some meaningful things you’ve learned through training? Spread some wisdom by teaching a lesson from an experience you’ve had. It’s important to remind your members that everyone isn’t perfect, but what IS important is learning from your mistakes!

 8. Statistics

Research statistics within the industry or share trends that you’ve found within your own school or community. People like to see numbers and results, especially when they’re on the fence about getting started. Look up stats related to the health benefits of your programs, the demographics of the sport, or break down the statistics and trends among your own students!

 9. Health related content

Share some of your favorite workout snacks or healthy recipes, stretching routines to help on off-days, or exercises your members can incorporate into their everyday routine.

 10. Share blog posts written by others

Don’t be afraid to share blogs from others within the industry or that might be relevant to your members. It can help your SEO by sharing other blog posts while supporting others and helping grow the community!

If you’re still having writer’s block, try utilizing a tool like the Market Muscles AI Content Writer – reach out to support at [email protected] to learn more about it!